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Anger is inherited

Myth about Anger


Anger is inherited

The way we express anger is inherited and cannot be changed. Sometimes, we may hear someone say, I inherited my anger from my father; that s just the way I am. This statement implies that the expression of anger is a fixed and unalterable set of behaviours. Evidence from research studies, however, indicates that people are not born with set, specific ways of expressing anger. These studies show, rather, that because the expression of anger is learned behaviour, more appropriate ways of expressing anger also can be learned.


Anger results from human conflict
Anger slowly decreases with age
A person s anger is caused by others
Victims provoke their partners violence
Only certain types of people have a problem with anger
Males are angrier than females
Anger is all about getting even
Domestic Violence is an anger control issue
People with anger problems speak and act before they think
Anger and Disappointment
Anger is only a problem when you openly express it
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