Anger is all in the mind
Myth about Anger
Anger is all in the mind
Emotions are primarily physical in nature. If anger were only a state of mind, why would someone say, I feel like I have a big fist in my chest when I get that angry ? Believe me, when you get mad, that emotion is instantly manifested in muscles throughout your entire body, the hairs on the back of your neck, your blood pressure, your blood sugar levels, your heart rate, your respiration rate, your gut, even your finger temperature (it warms up!) long before you re aware of what s happening.
Anger in an aggressive way people listen and I gain respect
People with anger problems speak and act before they think
Anger is inherited
Anger and aggression are natural for humans
Domestic Violence is an anger control issue
Anger results from human conflict
Anger is only a problem when you openly express it
Only certain types of people have a problem with anger
Frustration always leads to aggression
Anger problems is often thought to be genetically inherited
Domestic violence abusers can t control their anger
Venting anger is always desirable
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