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There s nothing you can do about physical decline

Myth about Aging


There s nothing you can do about physical decline

Experts note that most people don t develop osteoporosis, and a sedentary lifestyle is more to blame for weight gain, loss of strength and future mobility issues than the aging process We can stay active in the future by being active now because exercise is important for maintaining muscle mass, bone mass, strength and balance


You should switch up your skincare products every few months because your skin adapts
Age Spots are Permanent
You ll Stop Learning
Youll Lose Control of Bodily Functions
Muscle Loss Is Inevitable
Older adults don t contribute to society
Excessive Use Of Hair Products Causes Hair Loss
Old women are depressed and lonely
Aging skin shouldn t break out
After a certain age you shouldn t wear powdered makeup
There s nothing you can do about physical decline
Older women are less successful in new pursuits
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