Myth about Aging
It represents the accumulation of changes in a person over time.
1. Old women are depressed and lonely
Depending on circumstances, we may get sad and lonely from time to time, but the research shows that the least lonely and depressed women are over 75 .
2. Older women are less successful in new pursuits
Some of the best and brightest women, though past the half century mark in years, are still climbing the ladder of success in the world .
3. Growing older is synonymous with the loss of meaning and purpose
Research and the elderly themselves are demonstrating that ones later years can be the richest ever in wisdom and spirituality .
4. Old women have more stress in their lives
According to psychologists, older women have more stress free days than younger ones .
5. Older adults don t contribute to society
Experts say it s a myth that older adults aren t productive members of the community and the workforce Many people over 50 are turning entrepreneur or exploring a new career, and older adults have higher rates of volunteering than their younger cohorts , there are more options for older adults to stay active and engaged than ever before .
6. You ll stop having fun
Majority of older adults are still interested in sex and remain sexually active Some respondents age 65 74 reported that they enjoy sex more now than they did in the past because there is less pressure and more privacy Recent research found that sexual satisfaction increases with age for the majority of women, even if desire wanes .
7. There s nothing you can do about physical decline
Experts note that most people don t develop osteoporosis, and a sedentary lifestyle is more to blame for weight gain, loss of strength and future mobility issues than the aging process We can stay active in the future by being active now because exercise is important for maintaining muscle mass, bone mass, strength and balance
8. Losing Weight Is Harder As You Age
While your metabolism may dip with each passing year, you cant necessarily blame any ensuing weight loss difficulties on your age If you arent on a low fat or low calorie diet, for example, losing weight will be difficult Similarly, low sodium diets can make it easier to shed pounds because they increase water retention Finally, gaining weight is one of the side effects often associated with meds prescribed to older adults, so once youve balanced out your diet, have a discussion with your doctor about what you can do to counteract any lingering unwanted pounds .
9. Excessive Use Of Hair Products Causes Hair Loss
Piling on hair products can definitely make your hair brittle, gunky and unappealing for women to touch, but abusing products like gel, hairspray, mousse, and wax wont actually cause hair loss The reason is that hair growth is dictated by your hair follicles and, given that hair products dont penetrate deeply into your scalp, they wont interfere with hair growth For healthy looking hair, however, we recommend using minimal amounts of any hair product to achieve your desired style .
10. Diet Supplements Slow Aging
Americans spend billions of dollars annually on supplements marketed as fountains of youth in pill form, scientific evidence that any of these products actually slow down aging is severely lacking In fact, independent research has consistently demonstrated no link between improved health and downing vitamins, enzymes and much more Worse, in addition to being questionably effective, many of these products have not been proven safe for regular consumption To ensure youre getting all the nutrients your body needs, improve the quality of the food you consume .
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