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Youre Bound to Become Senile

Myth about Aging


Youre Bound to Become Senile

Most of us just assume that forgetfulness and senility come with old age The truth, however, is that most older people dont experience a significant decline in their mental abilities There are more than a hundred other illnesses that can cause memory loss and apparent senility, but many of these are treatable , So while you may forget where you put your keys from time to time, theres a good chance youll remain sharp well into your golden years Those who do experience a serious loss of memory or cognitive ability are usually affected by a degenerative disease such as Alzheimers And not all people get Alzheimers about 1 in 8 people over


Organic and all natural products contain better anti aging ingredients than chemical based products
Age Spots are Permanent
There s nothing you can do about physical decline
After a certain age you shouldn t wear powdered makeup
Muscle Loss Is Inevitable
Vaginal expiration date
Older adults don t contribute to society
Excessive Use Of Hair Products Causes Hair Loss
Low Intensity Exercise Is Better For People Over 50
Losing Weight Is Harder As You Age
Older women are less successful in new pursuits
Aging is all downhill
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