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I can get all the information I need on the Internet

Myth about Adoption


I can get all the information I need on the Internet

There is a lot of information on the Internet, the adoption process needs to be tailored to your particular family Remember, it is hard to know who is posting information in cyberspace Adoption professionals recommend you double check any information with a local source In addition to finding out the most current information, you also need to make sure you meet state and federal regulations regarding adoption There are many sites and e lists established for families built through a particular type of adoption Many of these sites provide tremendous support, parenting advice, and resources Weigh carefully what you are reading, your need for human contact and support based on your family s needs, and consult with local professionals when unclear of your next steps


A birthparent will never know anything about her child
Most adoptive parents are unfit
Is adoption only for people without children
Birth mothers are all teenagers
You can t adopt unless you re rich and have a big house
As soon as you adopt you ll get pregnant
The Adoption Process Takes Many Years
Adopted children have more psychological problems than biological children
Do I need experience of looking after children
A birthparent will forget about the child released for adoption
People adopt to save a child
All adopted children will never see their birth parents again
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