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Adoptive parents are saintly for adopting

Myth about Adoption


Adoptive parents are saintly for adopting

Adoptive parents are always hearing how great they are for having adopted People always mean well when they say this, but the fact is, most adoptive parents adopted because they wanted to be parents Not because they are special saints This also sometimes sounds to adoptive parents like their children are somehow less lovable, and therefore, loving them is a heroic act Adopted parents just love their kids like other parents love theirs It doesn t require any special effort!


There are many unwanted babies available for domestic adoption
Can I adopt if I smoke
Only married people can adopt
Do I need experience of looking after children
A birthparent will never know anything about her child
If I adopt internationally
The Hope of Being Adopted
The Adoption Process Takes Many Years
A child doesn t really need a father
Birthmothers will always struggle with the emotional pain of placing a child for adoption
No one can love a child as much as a birth mother or birth father does
Birth mothers are all teenagers
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