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Manual accounting is fine If it isn t broke why fix it

Myth about Accounting


Manual accounting is fine If it isn t broke why fix it

: Accounting software yields too many benefits to ignore. You are most likely wearing many hats, and accountant is just one of them. Bu you simply don t have enough time. Many digital solutions are catered specifically to small business needs, which can give owners customizable tools to achieve success.


Accounting is so easy anybody should be able to do it
Accounts are for qualified accountants only
I still need to calculate taxes manually
Your Business Doesn t Need an Accountant
Technology is Eating Up the Accounting Profession
I need to spend time to learn Accounting Software
People who file electronically are more likely to be audited
I really don t need accounting reports to know how my business is doing
It s expensive
Accounting is only important at tax time
Accounting is about math
Accounting software is simple
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