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HIV is the same as AIDS

Myth about AIDS


HIV is the same as AIDS

HIV is an acronym for human immunodeficiency virus, which is the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). While this virus is the underlying cause of AIDS, not all HIV positive individuals have AIDS, as HIV can remain in a latent state for many years. If undiagnosed or left untreated, HIV usually progresses to AIDS, defined as possessing a CD4+ lymphocyte count under 200 cells/?l or HIV infection plus co infection with an AIDS defining opportunistic infection.


Im HIV positive my life is over
I cant have more than one sexually transmitted disease at a time
HIV and AIDS are only caused through sex
HIV can be spread through casual contact with an HIV infected individual
My partner and I are both HIV positive theres no reason for us to practice safer sex
Sexual intercourse with an animal will avoid or cure AIDS
AIDS can be cured
You can get AIDS by kissing an HIV infected person
If I or my partner were HIV positive we could not have children
You have to take your doses exactly 12 hours apart
AIDS is mostly an African problem
People who have HIV cannot have sex with people who do not have HIV
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