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You can get AIDS by kissing an HIV infected person

Myth about AIDS


You can get AIDS by kissing an HIV infected person

Because of the theoretical potential for contact with blood during French or open mouthed kissing, the CDC recommends against engaging in this activity with an infected person. However, no cases of AIDS have been attributed to any kind of kissing.casual contact through closed mouth or social kissing is not a risk for transmission of HIV.


Being HIV positive means you can t do certain things like be a nurse or parent
I can get ADIS
You can get AIDS by kissing an HIV infected person
HIV antibody testing is unreliable
HIV can be spread through casual contact with an HIV infected individual
HIV is a punishment from God
People who have HIV cannot have sex with people who do not have HIV
You have to take your doses exactly 12 hours apart
My partner and I are both HIV positive theres no reason for us to practice safer sex
HIV will progress to AIDS and the person will die soon
If Im receiving treatment I cant spread the HIV virus
Getting tested for HIV is pointless
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