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If I or my partner were HIV positive we could not have children

Myth about AIDS


If I or my partner were HIV positive we could not have children

HIV infected women are fertile and can have children. If mothers and their babies use the correct medication, it s possible for HIV positive women to have HIV negative babies.Without using drugs, there is a 30% chance that HIV infected women will pass the virus on to their babies in the womb, during birth or by breastfeeding. But if the mother and baby, or even just one of them, use short courses of ARVs,, transmission rates are reduced significantly. This treatment is available for free at government clinics and hospitals.


Sexual intercourse with a virgin will cure AIDS
AIDS is mostly an African problem
HIV positive individuals can be detected by their appearance
Im HIV positive my life is over
You can get AIDS by kissing an HIV infected person
Sexual intercourse with an animal will avoid or cure AIDS
You have to take 100 persent of your doses or else the drugs stop working
I could tell if my partner was HIV positive
HIV can be spread through casual contact with an HIV infected individual
Only people from the lower socio economic class are affected by HIV
HIV is the same as AIDS
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