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AIDS crisis will solve by vaccine

Myth about AIDS


AIDS crisis will solve by vaccine

A sequence of scientific advances indicate that significant progress is being made toward the creation of an effective HIV/AIDS vaccine.A vaccine will not solve the AIDS crisis,while many advances have been made in vaccine research, significant gaps remain in the scientific knowledge needed to develop an effective vaccine.HIV vaccine research is often slow due to lack of financial incentives to develop such a vaccine. Lack of coordination among researching groups exacerbates the problem.Due to the difficulties in creating an effective vaccine, the first vaccines deployed will probably be of low efficacy.By the time a vaccine has been developed and fully deployed in developing countries, millions and millions of people will have become infected and died of HIV/AIDS if no other steps are taken.


HIV will progress to AIDS and the person will die soon
Only people from the lower socio economic class are affected by HIV
HIV and AIDS are only caused through sex
AIDS is mostly an African problem
HIV survives for only a short time outside the body
HIV can be spread through casual contact with an HIV infected individual
You have to take your doses exactly 12 hours apart
HIV/AIDS is a chronic manageable disease
AIDS is a gay disease
HIV from mosquitoes
Scientists are five years from a cure for AIDS
HIV positive individuals can be detected by their appearance
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