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Scientists are five years from a cure for AIDS

Myth about AIDS


Scientists are five years from a cure for AIDS

The stories scientists place in the media, promising a cure in five years, boost their academic reputation and get the research money rolling in. We shouldn t be cynical about that, as without reputation building and cash, they ll never find a cure. But we shouldn t fall for it either.


HIV is a punishment from God
HIV can infect only homosexual men and drug users
Im HIV positive my life is over
HIV can be spread through casual contact with an HIV infected individual
AIDS drugs are poison and are more dangerous than the HIV virus
Getting tested for HIV is pointless
You cant get HIV from oral sex
People who have HIV cannot have sex with people who do not have HIV
HIV positive people are treated just like everyone else
AIDS is mostly an African problem
I cant have more than one sexually transmitted disease at a time
AIDS can be cured
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