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Lord Of The Rings Eagles

Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes


Lord Of The Rings Eagles

The following is a common complaint in Lord Of The Rings: Hey Gandalf, here s a thought why don t you just get your giant eagle mates to fly you into Mordor and drop Frodo/the ring bearer off at Mount Doom? Yes, it does seem obvious. Yes, it would have solved their problem of getting into Mordor quite easily. But here are a few issues with this. First off, you think Sauron might notice giant eagles flying into his domain, so you still need to create a distraction, like Aragorn at the gates. Secondly, the Eagles are doing their own thing. It s not their war, they re just helping out their mate Gandalf. And as an internet commenter pointed out elsewhere (I can t remember where though, sorry), there s a big difference between asking your mate for a lift into town in his car, and asking him to take you to Spain or the fantasy equivalent


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