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The Hangover Doug just sits there

Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes


The Hangover Doug just sits there

So after numerous madcap escapades (which definitely wouldn t get old and tired over the course of two hilarous sequels) Phil, Stu, and Alan finally realise Doug had been on the roof of the hotel the entire time. They rush to his rescue and find a very sunburnt but basically okay groom to be. The wedding is saved! Now, I don t know about you, but I remain very sceptical about his survival up there. It s an average of 41 degrees Celsius in July over in Vegas, with highs of 49 being recorded. In an exposed space with no shade and no water, for several days, I rate Doug s chances of making it out alive as very low. If by some miracle, he was still breathing, dehydration would have made him a jabbering wreck, hallucinating wildly and probably leading him to jump from the roof in despair at his abandonment. Not so funny now, is it?


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