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Superman Convenient powers

Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes


Superman Convenient powers

The original Superman movie has often been held up as an example of how to do a comic book movie right. It s a truly brilliant depiction of Superman on screen, but one thing has always bothered me about it. That stupid ending. So despite it never being mentioned at all, Superman suddenly knows he has the ability to fly round the Earth really fast and turn back time? See my earlier Harry Potter entry for how that might have been a convenient power to re use. Then in the almost as good sequel, he s at it again with his magical amnesia kiss to take away the knowledge that Clark Kent is Superman. What are these powers, his special party tricks?


Citizen Kane Rosebud
The Avengers Why dont they bother keeping an eye on Bruce Banner
Toy Story Buzz freezes
G I Joe The Rise Of Cobra The physics
Star Wars Darth Vaders memory
Skyfall Silvas gift of prophecy
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes Never questioning the monkey
The Butterfly Effect Proving time travel
Back To The Future Part III The extra DeLorean
Jurassic Park Geography
The Santa Clause Unobservant parents
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