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Skyfall Silvas gift of prophecy

Movie Plot Holes and Paradoxes


Skyfall Silvas gift of prophecy

Was this the straw that broke the back of the villain meaning to get caught plot device? Perhaps, as no matter how fine a film Skyfall is (and it is), Silva s ridiculous plan just gets even sillier on re watches. Even if we buy into the fact that his plan was first to attack M but not kill her destroying her office, leak the agents identities and therefore get the government to summon her to a hearing and dismiss her in disgrace, we then have to accept that this was all to lead her into an exposed position for him to kill her that two henchmen give him a fake police uniform backs up the fact that the hearing was always the target. But even ignoring that he could plant some explosives to bring down a tube train directly on top of Bond mid chase, how did he know he would be captured when he was? What if Q took ages deciphering the code? He would have missed the court hearing! Oh well, it s still a beautiful film.


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