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Some Tips To Remember When Using Photos In The Newspaper

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Some Tips To Remember When Using Photos In The Newspaper

1. Make sure the photos are not too dark or too light.
2. Take the photo to a print shop and have a PMT Photo Mechanical Transfer made. The printer can lighten and darken each photo as needed. The cost is about $5.00 each in most markets.
3. If the photos are similar in lightness and darkness, the printer can gang the photos. He can shoot several photos on one page for one price.
4. If you need to make a head shot for the paper, ask the photographer to use a light background instead of a gray or black background. Your photo will show up much better.
5. If youre using photos of your building, keep in mind the image you want to project to the reader. Does your business look open or closed? Are there cars in the parking lot? Does the business look prosperous?
6. If you are using a photo of your employees, the common mistake is to take the photo from too far away. For some strange reason people feel we must include the full body in the shot and the faces of the employees are lost.


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