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Examine Promotional Materials

Ideas to Boost Business


Examine Promotional Materials

a. Make sure business cards, letterheads, brochures and packaging materials are first class. This is not the area to spare expenses.
b. What types of materials is your competition using?
c. If you cant afford 4 color brochures use 2 or 3 color. Use of color increases response by 26 percent.
d. If you cant afford 2 color. use screens.
Note: Screen is another word for shade darker or tint lighter . For example: A florist wants red flowers around the borders of his brochure and black ink for the text. Thats two colors. Pink is a 50 percent tint of red, it is not another color. You can have some pink flowers and some red flowers with little or no additional cost depending on how your printer handles screens. This process will give the appearance of three colors; red, pink, and black. Use gray a tint of black and presto, a 4 color brochure red, pink, gray and black for a 2 Color price.


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