Make Advertising Last
Ideas to Boost Business

Make Advertising Last
a. Buy ads that last months, not minutes.
b. Magnetic signs for car or van. Dont forget the back of your vehicle. Put signs on truck tailgates and rear windows. Most customers dont drive alongside your vehicle and copy down the phone or address. They are more apt to do it at a stop sign.
c. Use clever bumper stickers or T shirts.
d. If youre printing an expensive color piece, ask the printer to quote the price of his house paper.
e. Design the outside of the brochure to be permanent and the inside for future changes. That way you can print up large quantities 5,000 or more of the outside only and have the printer keep them on hand. Then as your message changes you only have to print the inside.
f. You will save by doing a large run in the beginning. You will also save by only printing what you need as your company changes. Avoid outdated brochures.