how to do computer yoga

How to Do Computer Yoga

Computer yoga is an easy and enjoyable way of unwinding at the desk, helping your body.
31. Eagle Arms
Come to a comfortable position sitting on the edge of your chair with your feet flat on the ground, keeping the spine long. Inhale and extend your arms out to the sides. Exhale and cross one arm over the other, giving yourself a big hug with the allows stacked. Then, connect the palms of the hands together (or the tops of your hands together, if it
32. Seated Twist Variation
Sitting up tall, ground down through the soles of your feet and inhale to lengthen the spine. Exhale, and twist gently towards the right side. Grab a hold of the arm rest and the back of the chair sofltyr, lengthening up through the crown of your head with every inhale and twisting slightly deeper with every exhale. Pause at a depth of your twist where you can still keep the breath deep and full, and gaze over the right shoulder. Keep the hips neutral and your sit bones evenly grounded without allowing one of your knees to poke out in front of the other. Stay for 5 10 breaths and then gently untwist. Pause with a neutral spine for a few breaths and thentwist towardthe other side.
33. Neck Stretch
Interlace the fingers behind your lower back, and gently extend the arms back behind you on an inhale. As you exhale, move your knuckles over toward the right side of the torso, wiggling them as for to the side as you comfortably can. Squeeze the outer elbow in towards the body, and then softly relax your head towards your right shoulder. Keep the neck long, and if you
34. Hip Opener Variation
Place the right ankle on top of the left knee. Flex the right foot and press the inner border of he foot away from the body, engaging your toes. Take a breath in to lengthen the spine, and start to fold forward as you exhale. Choose how deeply you wish to move into the pose you want to feel a stretch in the outer hip and flute, but never any pain! Make sure your knees are comfortable, and use your breath to create depth. Stay for 5 10 breaths and then do the other side, or move into the deeper variation of the pose (below).
35. Hip Opener continued
If you were feeling comfortable in the pose above you can choose to go even deeper by folding closer towards the earth. Connect the fingertips to the ground, relax your neck and keep the foot flexed to protect your knee. When you
36. Hamstring Stretch Variation
Still sitting on the edge of your chair, place the back of your heel or ankle on your desk, on another chair or any elevation that
37. Hamstring Stretch continuation
If you were feeling comfortable in the above stretch, choose to go deeper by actually folding your upper body over the extended leg. Let every inhale softly bring your heart closer to the top of your foot, and let every exhale fold you slightly deeper. Stay for 5 10 breaths or as long as you are comfortable to stay before you come out of the pose and do the other side, beginning with the softer variation (above). Doing this sequence in the middle of your day will give you a boost of energy and keep you feeling focused and centered. If you want an extra touch, try five minutes of seated meditation at the very end (click here). I hope you enjoy doing yoga at your office! Try to take frequent breaks to move and stretch your body as often as you can, and don
38. Quick yoga
The mere thought of sneaking out for a lunchtime yoga class may be laughable, especially now that were all asked to do more and more on the job. But that doesnt mean you have to stay stagnant for hours. There are effective moves you can do right at your desk, ones that will help you get a mental breather and make sure your neck, back, arms, hips and wrists remain in good working order.
39. Scale Pose
Sit at the edge of your chair, press your hands down on either side of your hips and raise your legs and butt up off the seat. Engage your deep abdominal muscles and keep the tops of your shoulders down; hold for 3 to 5 breaths. Lower and repeat 2 more times.
40. High Altar Pose
Inhale and lift your arms; clasp your hands and invert your palms. Lean to your left. Hold for 5 to 8 breaths, then switch sides.