how to do computer yoga

How to Do Computer Yoga

Computer yoga is an easy and enjoyable way of unwinding at the desk, helping your body.
41. Ankle to Knee
Place your left foot on your right knee, letting left knee drop open. Keep your back straight; lean forward to stretch deeper. After 5 to 8 breaths, switch sides.
42. Every other computer operator complains of tensions and pain
During the last decade there has been a lot of research done on mouse injuries and other problems that arise with continual use of a computer monitor and keyboard. Lena Karlqvist from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm concludes after ten years of research that nobody can manage the monotonous strain in the long run without problems. Danish experts believe that the solution lies in rotating the employees or students between computer work and other activities, so that they only sit for a maximum of 4 5 hours in front of a monitor per day. Unfortunately, it is admitted that in many instances this is unrealistic due to increasing specialisation and shortage of time. Dont let the body come to a standstill in front of the monitor. These four small exercises can be of great help to avoid the build up of tensions in the neck, shoulders and back.
43. A tool to remain in contact with energy and inspiration
With simple yoga exercises one can release tensions as they arise and consciously put oneself in an inspired and creative mood. Computer users often have tension and pain in the mouse hand, arm, elbow, shoulder, neck or back. Other common ailments are headaches, eye complaints and lethargy, which also arise due to tensions, and which prevent the afflicted to be him/herself and work efficiently. Here follows an introduction to a few yoga exercises that are good for relieving tensions that can occur in front of a monitor. For these exercises you do not necessarily need a special place to practise the yoga. It is enough to turn off the monitor, while you print or make a back up, and do one or a few of the exercises suggested here. After five to fifteen minutes you are ready with increased clarity and concentration to continue your work.
44. Tension releasing exercises for the arms and shoulders
Extend your arms forward, shoulder level, palms up. Bend your arms, placing your fingertips on your shoulders. Keep your upper arms horizontal. 5 10 times. Do the same movement, but with your arms out to the sides of your body.
45. Shoulder Rolling
Rest your fingertips on your shoulders throughout this exercise. Begin with your upper arms at shoulder level, elbows pointing sideways. Then rotate your arms in a circular motion, moving them backwards and down, and then let the elbows meet in front of your stomach. Keep them together as you rise up in front of your chest and face, and then turn them out to the sides, back and down again. 5 10 times. Repeat this exercise in the opposite direction. Shoulder rolling limbers up your shoulders and the upper part of your neck.
46. Head Rolling
Let your head slowly fall all the way to one side, your nose forward, not towards your shoulder. Hang your head like that for a while, then bring it slowly over to the other side and keep it there briefly. Repeat this 5 10 times. Turn your head all the way to one side, pause a moment, then turn your head slowly to the other side and pause there. Repeat this 5 10 times. Let your head slowly sink down to your chest, let it rest there briefly, totally relaxed then slowly raise it and rest it there, hanging it back a while. 5 10 times. Let your head rotate all the way around 5 7 times in each direction. Do it in a very relaxed way and take your time. Feel the position of the head at any one point of the circle. Pause immediately after the head rolling: sitting relaxed and completely still with your head upright and your eyes closed.It is important to do the first three exercises each time as a warm up to the head rolling. If you have a tendency for dizziness or an extremely high blood pressure, you should do the head rolling very carefully. This exercise relaxes the neck and shoulder area and has a general relaxing effect on the entire nervous system. Good against headaches and lethargy.
47. Spontaneous Breathing
This is a breathing exercise, relaxation and meditation exercise. Start by lying on your back with your hands by your sides (or directly following the head rolling, remain sitting in a chair with the hands resting on the legs or in the lap.) The eyes are closed.