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Avoid Tobacco

Healthy Mouth


Avoid Tobacco

Smoking or chewing tobacco products can ruin the kissability of your mouth, leading to stained teeth, bad breath and receding gums. So if you want a healthy mouth, dont use tobacco. More serious oral health results include tooth loss, cancer, canker sores, bone loss and unsuccessful dental implants. According to the Journal of Peridontology (a field specializing in the study of the supporting structures for teeth), smokers are significantly more likely to:Have gum problems Have a greater amount of calculus on their teeth Have more missing teethNeed more recovery time for dental work Ironically, smokers gums dont bleed as easily as nonsmokers, but thats not due to healthier gums: Nicotine constricts blood vessels.


Floss Every Day
Eat detergent foods
Conceal with color
Stay fresh
Prevent Bad Breath
Eat a nutritious and balanced diet
Practice flossing with your eyes shut
Check your mouth and gums
Start the Countdown
Use Fluoride
Brush your teeth with baking soda once a week
Prevent Stains
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