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Control your cholesterol

Healthy Blood


Control your cholesterol

Having high cholesterol, especially if you have diabetes, puts you more at risk for kidney disease, heart disease and stroke. It can also cause diabetic kidney disease to get worse faster.Your triglycerides are also important. People with high triglycerides are more at risk for kidney disease, heart disease and stroke. For most people, a healthy triglyceride level is less than 150. If your total cholesterol, LDL or triglycerides are high, or if your HDL is low, talk to your doctor. Your doctor may suggest exercise, diet changes or medicines to help you get to a healthy cholesterol level.


Nibble dark chocolate
Be physically active
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Eliminate Wheat
Control your cholesterol
Choose a better beverage
Live a healthy lifestyle
Take medicines as directed
Get moving
Limit alcohol
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Put the brakes on smoking and drinking
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