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Guglielmo Marconi in England

Guglielmo Marconi


Guglielmo Marconi in England

The 22yearold Marconi and his mother arrived in England in 1896 and quickly found interested backers, including the British Post Office. Within a year Marconi was broadcasting up to 12 miles and had applied for his first patents. A year later, he set up a wireless station on the Isle of Wight that allowed Queen Victoria to send messages to her son Prince Edward aboard the royal yacht.By 1899 Marconis signals had crossed the English Channel. The same year, Marconi traveled to the United States, where he gained publicity offering wireless coverage of the Americas Cup yacht race from off the coast of New Jersey.


Later Years
Marconi prepares for the Atlantic
Later Life
Groundbreaking Work and Nobel Prize
Marconis father
Guglielmo Marconi in England
Flemings transmitter
Early Life and Education
Further transmissions
Marconi opens for business
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