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Age defying Superfood Keep ketchup on the table

Forever Young Naturally Eating


Age defying Superfood Keep ketchup on the table

Concentrated cooked tomato products, such as ketchup and purée, contain remarkably effective amounts of lycopene, the antioxidant red pigment found in red fruit and vegetables. In a largescale European study, men with the highest intake of lycopene-rich foods were half as likely to suffer from a heart attack than those whose diets featured the lowest amount. Lycopene protects the heart and is good for blood pressure, suggests a recent study, and is also known to combat prostate cancer. The darker the fruit, the more lycopene it contains. Aim for a mighty 10 servings of fresh and cooked tomatoes a week, making sure they are organic: organic ketchup contains 83 percent more lycopene than nonorganic.


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