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Iris Sibirica



Iris Sibirica

This species of Iris is a native of Germany and Siberia, and is distinguished from those usually cultivated in our gardens by the superior height of its stems, and the narrowness of its leaves, from which last character it is often, by mistake, called graminea, but the true graminea is a very different plant.
The Iris sibirica is a hardy perennial, and will thrive in almost any soil or situation, but grows most luxuriantly in a moist one, and flowers in June.
Is propagated most readily, by parting its roots in autumn.


Iris Persica Persian Iris
Iberis Gibraltarica
Antirrhinum triste
Centaurea montana
Tropaeolum Majus Greater Indian Cress or Nasturtium
Oxalis Caprina
Fragaria Monophylla
Chironia Frutescens
Bellis Perennis var
Draba Aizoides
Plumeria Rubra
Pelargonium Glutinosum
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