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Oxalis Caprina



Oxalis Caprina

The Cape of Good Hope, that most fertile source of curious and beautiful plants, affords numerous species of Wood Sorrel, and, among others, the present one, which is distinguished for the largeness of its blossoms, they are of a fine yellow colour, and, when expanded by the influence of the sun, make a very conspicuous figure in the green house, it begins to flower early in April, and continues about two months in bloom, many flowering stems arising from the same root.This species is of free growth, and increases plentifully by bulbs, which are produced on the crown of the root, as well as on its fibres, these, when the plant decays, should be taken up, and two or three of the largest planted in the middle of a pot filled with a mixture of bog earth and rotten leaves, well incorporated, towards winter, the pots mould be placed in the green house, or in a frame so secured as perfectly to keep out frost.


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Draba Aizoides
Epilobium angustissimum
Ixia Bulbocodium
Fumaria Cava
Cactus Flagelliformis Creeping Cereus
Dodecatheon Meadia Meads Dodecatheon or American Cowslip
Coreopsis Verticillata
Crepis Barbata Bearded Crepis or Purple eyed Succory Hawkweed
Narcissus Bulbocodium
Pelargonium Acetosum
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