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Draba Aizoides



Draba Aizoides

The plant here figured, a native of the German Alps, is one of those whose beauty cannot be shewn in a small detached piece of it, to be admired, it must be seen in a tuft of some considerable size, which it is much disposed to form when growing among rock work, for which, like many other small Alpine plants, it is well suited, thus elevated above the surface of the ground, the various beauties of this humble race are more distinctly seen, and their curious structure more readily inspected.This species is the more to be esteemed, as it flowers very early in the spring, in March, and the beginning of Apri, and continues in blossom about six weeks.Linn?us originally confounded it with a similar plant, the Draba alpina, a mistake since rectified in his Mantissa Plant. p. 91.


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