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Plumeria Rubra



Plumeria Rubra

Plumeria is a genus of plants named by Tournefort in honour of his countryman the celebrated Plumier, it comes near to Nerium or Oleander, and contains several species, all natives of warm climates.The present plant is a native of Jamaica, where it is known by the name of Red Jasmine, from whence seeds and large cuttings are often sent to this country, here they require the stove to bring them to flower seed vessels they are never known to produce.The flowers, which are very odoriferous, are produced in July and August in large bunches, on the summits of the branches, from whence the leaves also proceed, the stems, which grow to a considerable height as well as thickness, are naked, and the whole plant loses its foliage from the middle of winter till about the beginning of May, the branches and other parts of the plant, when broken off, give forth a milky juice, the leaves are handsome, and the veins remarkable.Being too tender to bear the open air of this climate, it is kept in the stove even during summer, in hot weather it must have plenty of air, and in cold seasons be sparingly watered.Is propagated by seeds, but more frequently by cuttings, which Miller recommends to be put by for two months or ten weeks, previous to their being committed to the earth.


Rubus Arcticus
Agrostemma Coronaria Rose Cockle or Campion
Lysimachia Bulbifera
Mesembryanthemum Barbatum
Antirrhinum Alpinum
Fagonia Cretica
Geranium Peltatum Ivy Leaved Geranium
Coronilla Glauca Sea green or Day smelling Coronilla
Chironia Frutescens
Saxifraga Sarmentosa
Lopezia Racemosa
Narcissus Biflorus
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