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Celsia Linearis



Celsia Linearis

We here present our readers with the figure of a plant newly introduced from France by Mr. Williams, Nurseryman of Paris, collected originally in Peru by Mr. Dombey, whose flowers, if they do not equal those of the Fuchsia already figured in elegance of form and growth, surpass them somewhat in brilliancy of colour, whence it becomes a most desirable plant for the purpose of ornament.Professor Jacquin, who first gave a figure and description of this plant, informs us in his Collectanea, that he received seeds of it from Professor Ortega of Madrid, under the name of Celsia linearis, which name he has adopted, and we, from respect to such authority, have continued, at the same time we must observe, that it ill accords with that genus the blossoms while in bud fold up somewhat in the same manner as those of the Celsia, but on expansion they appear widely different, their shape indeed then becomes truly singular, resembling a half formed imperfect corolla, its filaments are short and want the hairs which in part characterise the Celsia, its seed vessels also are far from being round its anther? are large and close together, somewhat like those of the Solanum, and there is so little of inequality in them, that few students would be induced to refer its flowers to the class Didynamia.

Being a native of a warm climate, it comes to the greatest perfection here when placed in a stove in which the heat is moderate, but it will succeed very well if treated as a tender green house plant it does not appear to be quite so hardy as the Fuchsia, nor to flower like that plant at all seasons, but usually produces its blossoms in the latter summer months, those are succeeded by seed vessels producing perfect seeds, by which, as well as by cuttings, the plant is propagated. Its leaves, which are not deciduous, are linear, and more or less toothed, growing three together, this character however is somewhat obscured by others growing from their bosoms.


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