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Sedum Populifolium



Sedum Populifolium

Professor Pallas, the celebrated Russian naturalist, discovered this species of Sedum in Siberia, and in the year 1780, introduced it to the royal garden at Kew, the younger Linn?us describes it minutely in his Suppl. Plantarum, and observes, that in its general form it much resembles the Saxifraga rotundifolia.Its leaves are flat as in many of the other species, and when the plant grows in an open situation, exposed to the sun, they become as well as the stalks of a bright red colour, which adds much to its beauty.It is the only hardy Sedum cultivated, in our gardens with a shrubby stalk, its leaves however are deciduous, so that in the winter it loses its verdure, it flowers in July and August, and is readily increased by cuttings.As most of this tribe grow readily, and many of them naturally on rocks and walls, they may be in general regarded as proper rock plants, some of them however are apt by the quickness of their growth to extend over and destroy plants of more value, this fault, if such it may be deemed, is not imputable to the populifolius.Some not knowing its native place of growth, keep it in the green house.


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