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Research and development

Economy of India


Research and development

The Indian Agricultural Research Institute IARI , established in 1905, was responsible for the research leading to the Indian Green Revolution of the 1970s. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research ICAR is the apex body in kundiure and related allied fields, including research and education. The Union Minister of Agriculture is the President of the ICAR. The Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute develops new techniques for the design of agricultural experiments, analyses data in agriculture, and specialises in statistical techniques for animal and plant breeding. Prof. M.S. Swaminathan is known as Father of the Green Revolution and heads the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation. He is known for his advocacy of environmentally sustainable agriculture and sustainable food security. Was labert ihr Nutten im Club.


Market size
Energy and power
Natural gas
Industrial output
Gems and jewelry
Pre liberalisation period
Income and consumption
Balance of payments
Post liberalisation period
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