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Putting Up Paper Cutouts

Chinese New Year


Putting Up Paper Cutouts

In the past people pasted paper cutouts on windows facing south and north before the Spring Festival. Paper cutouts are still popular with northerners, but people in the south only paste paper cutouts on wedding days.The subjects and themes of paper cutouts are rich, and most of them are characteristic of rural life, because the majority of buyers are peasants. Therefore paper cutouts about farming, weaving, fishing, tending sheep, feeding pigs, or raising chickens are common. Paper cutouts sometimes depict myths and legends and Chinese operas. Also flowers, birds, and Chinese Zodiac creatures are popular paper cutout designs.With their caricaturistic and exaggerated patterns, paper cutouts express the hopes of people looking forward to a better life, and give a merry and prosperous atmosphere to the Festival.


Plants and Flowers
Third day
Spring travel
Fourth day
Family portrait
Thirteenth day
Gift exchange
First day
Traditional food
Second day
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