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Charlotte s Web 50 million

Best Selling Books In History


Charlotte s Web 50 million

A childrens classic especially after being made into a film by the same name, Charlottes Web tells the story of young pig Wilbur and his spider friend Charlotte who spins her web to convince the farmer to keep him alive. Written by E.B. White, the book is listed as the bestselling childrens paperback in history by Publishers Weekly.


The Mark of Zorro 50 million
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe 85 million
Watership Down 50 million
Think and Grow Rich 70 million
One Hundred Years of Solitude 50 million
Dream of the Red Chamber 100 million
And Then There Were None 100 million
The Eagle Has Landed 50 million
The Catcher in the Rye 65 million
The Ginger Man 50 million
Charlotte s Web 50 million
The Alchemist 65 million
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