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Think and Grow Rich 70 million

Best Selling Books In History


Think and Grow Rich 70 million

Featuring one of only two American authors in the top ten the other is #9, Think and Grow Rich was a selfimprovement book written by Napoleon Hill in 1937. Asked to look at the relationship between individual characteristics and wealth attainment by steel giant Andrew Carnegie, Hill embodied his 13 principles of personal achievement into the book, a hotcake as countries were beginning to emerge from the Great Depression.


The Eagle Has Landed 50 million
A Tale of Two Cities 200 million
The Little Prince 140 million
Watership Down 50 million
The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care 50 million
And Then There Were None 100 million
Lolita 50 million
Charlotte s Web 50 million
The Lord of the Rings 150 million
The Alchemist 65 million
The Mark of Zorro 50 million
The Bridges of Madison County 50 million
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