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Benefits of Rosemary



The plant contains some tannic acid, together with a resin and a bitter principle and a volatile oil. The chief constituents of the oil are Borneol, bornyl acetate and other esters, a special camphor similar to that possessed by the myrtle, cineol, pinene and camphene. It is colourless, with the odour of Rosemary and a warm camphoraceous taste. The chief adulterants of oil of Rosemary are oil of turpentine and petroleum. Rosemary yields its virtues partly to water and entirely to rectified spirits of wine.


Neurological protection
Rosemary is very rich in B vitamins
Rosemary for beautiful skin and hair
Improving digestion
Stimulates Hair Growth
Treats Gastric and Intestinal Problems
Medicinal Action and Uses
Migraine Help
Improves Memory and Concentration
Starting a Rosemary Plant
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