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Medicinal Action and Uses

Benefits of Rosemary


Medicinal Action and Uses

Tonic, astringent, diaphoretic, stimulant. Oil of Rosemary has the carminative properties of other volatile oils and is an excellent stomachic and nervine, curing many cases of headache. The oil is also used externally as a rubefacient and is added to liniments as a fragrant stimulant. Hungary water, for outward application to renovate the vitality of paralysed limbs, was first invented for a Queen of Hungary, who was said to have been completely cured by its continued use. It was prepared by putting 1 1/2 lb. of fresh Rosemary tops in full flower into 1 gallon of spirits of wine, this was allowed to stand for four days and then distilled. Hungary water was also considered very efficacious against gout in the hands and feet, being rubbed into them vigorously.


Medicinal Action and Uses
Adverse Reactions
Improving digestion
Liver Detoxification
Diuretic Properties
Stimulates Hair Growth
More uses
Mood Elevator
Extremely useful herb
Better Circulation
Rosmarinic acid
Internal uses
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