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From a nutritional point

Benefits of Persimmon


From a nutritional point

Persimmons supply 70 kcal/100 g, that come mainly from carbohydrates, although they also provide 10 mg/100 g of vitamin C (around one sixth of the recommended daily consumption) and some carotenoids. Vitamin C may have an influence in some physiological states, such as the suppression of nitrosamine formation in the intestine. Nitrite, which is found in foodstuffs and water, reacts with amines in order to produce nitrosamines, whose carcinogenic characteristics have been tested. The antioxidant capacity of vitamin C can also protect from cancer, intensifying the immunological functions. The diets that are rich in carotenoids have been related to a decrease of the risk of contracting cancer and cardiovascular diseases.


Postharvest Problems
Improves vision
A good friend for those on a weight loss journey
Side Effect of Persimmon Fruit
Coughing up phlegm and asthma
Rich in vitamin
Improve Digestive system
Good for diabetics
Keeping the Body to Keep Slim
Skin allergies
Health Benefits
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