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Antioxidant Phytonutrients

Benefits of Maizes


Antioxidant Phytonutrients

Corn contains antioxidant phytochemicals which vary depending upon the different varieties of corn. Yellow corn is rich in carotenoids which provide high concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin. Blue corn is rich in anthocyanin antioxidants whereas purple corn contains a particular acid called protocatechuic acid which is a strong antioxidant. Ferulic acid is natural antioxidant occurring in plants that helps to neutralize free radicals. Corn contains very high levels of this acid which can increase up to 900 percent on cooking it.


Increased Energy
Antioxidant Phytonutrients
Rich source of calories
Prevents Diabetes and Hypertension
Stronger Connective Tissue
Anti Cancer
Benefits of Corn Soup
Health Benefits
Prevents Alzheimers disease
Prevents Skin Problems
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