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Avoid the Complications of Dehydration

Benefits of Lime


Avoid the Complications of Dehydration

The average American should drink anywhere between 2.7 liters and 3.7 liters of water per day, depending on gender, but as much as 75 percent of the population is dehydrated, according to Idaho State Family Planning. Drinking water with lime can provide flavor appetizing enough to help you drink the recommended amount of water. Proper hydration can decrease your risk of cancer, promote healthy functioning of your kidneys, keep your muscles toned and aid in healthy bowel movements.


Lime peel
Other benefits of the Lime
Lime juice is a sour
Antibiotic Properties
Limes and Skin Care
Lemon and Lime Peels and Oxalates
Grated Lime peel
Heart Health
Peptic Ulcer
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