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Move to a different geographic area could ease seasonal allergies

Myth about Allergies


Move to a different geographic area could ease seasonal allergies

Moving is of little benefit to the seasonal allergy sufferer because pollens are actually shared over large areas. Ragweed in New England is the same as ragweed in Texas, and people who are allergic to grass pollen may just be miserable everywhere, because this type of pollen is incredibly cross reactive,


Move to a different geographic area could ease seasonal allergies
You only need to take allergy medication when you start feeling terrible
You can t be allergic to organic food
Allergies cause ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Allergies are essentially a harmless problem
Over the counter drugs are all you need
Short haired pets are better for people with pet allergies
Any reaction you have after eating a food is an allergy
Allergies cannot be inherited
Peanuts are the most common food allergy among children
Only take medication when showing symptoms of an allergy attack
I have gluten allergy
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