Benefits of Lime
If you are tired of using antidandruff shampoos, its time to switch to a simple and costeffective home remedies to curb dandruff. Add some lime juice in water and use it as a final rinse when you wash the hair. The acid in lime juice will help get rid of dandruff. For more aggressive dandruff, cut lime into pieces and boil them with dill seeds. Crush when cooled down and massage into the scalp. Wash off after 30 minutes.
Eye Care
Limes have a very high citric acid content
Phytonutrients with Antioxidant and Antibiotic Effects
Supports the Immune System
Grated Lime peel
Limes and Skin Care
In Depth Nutritional Profile
Limes containantioxidants
Wrinkles and Black UnderEyes
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