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Fasten Healing

Benefits of Kumquat fruit


Fasten Healing

Kumquat contains a good amount of Vitamin C that increases healing capacity of the cell. Kumquats are a small sized evergreen tree native to South Eastern parts of mountainous China. Today, they are grown for their delicious fruits and as an ornament tree in many parts of the world, including the USA. A mature kumquat tree bears several hundred olive sized, brilliant orange color fruits in the winter. On the Interior, the fruit resembles miniaure orange with juicy segments (arils), firmly adhereing to each other and with the peel. The pulp has 1 2 seeds placed centrally. The seeds are bitter in taste as in oranges, and generally, spit out.


History of Kumquat
Marumi or Round Kumquat
Low in calories
Kumquats contain vitamins
Great for dieting
Preserve Kumquats
Powerhouse of vitamins
Nutritional value of Kumquat
Protect from Diabetes
Vitamin A
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