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Importance of Amla in Ayurveda

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Importance of Amla in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, regular consumption of amla balances all three doshas, that is, vata, pitta, and kapha. Its cooling properties balance both vata and pitta, whereas its drying properties have a balancing effect on the kapha dosha. In ancient Ayurveda practice, amla is used for promoting longevity, improving digestion, purifying blood, strengthening the heart, stimulating hair growth, enhancing concentration and memory, and alleviating respiratory problems.


Heart Disease
Get Glowing Skin with an Amla Facial Scrub
Amla Recipe
Burns Fat
Prevents Dandruff
Helps in Preventing Premature Graying
Strengthens Hair
Beneficial for the reproductive systems
How to Select and Store Amla
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