What is Endive
1. Endive, commonly popular asescarole, is a green leafyvegetable with a hint of bitter flavor. Nevertheless, this wellknown salad plant is much more than just a leafy green, packed with numerous health benefiting plant nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, etc. .....

2. Endive is a vegetable that looks very much like lettuce, except that it is curly. It is also known as escarole or chicory, and is very closely related to the dandelion plant. escarole is a good source of minerals like manganese, copper, iron, and potassium. Manganese is used as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Potassium is an important intracellular electrolyte helps counter the hypertension effects of sodium. .....

More about Endives
3. Endive is really a bitter leafy veggie which is usually utilized in salads or even consumed like a side dish. There are actually numerous types of endive, which includes Belgian endive, escarole, as well as curly endive (fris .....

History of Endives
4. Endive was unintentionally found by the Belgian farmer about 1830. At that time, chicory roots were utilized like a coffee alternative. The farmer saved them in a cellar, forgot about them and, while he came back to get the roots, learned that theyd sprouted white leaves. Curious, he consumed several and located them to be soft, damp, crispy as well as somewhat bitter. .....

Cures acne
5. Endive is utilized to create endive juice, that has shown helpful effects for treating skin problems. In reality, mixing endive juice along with other natural juices assists the skin through removing acne. Additionally, it provides substantial safety against additional pimples following normal endive juice consumption. .....

6. Consume mixed juice that contains endive, carrot as well as celery for the best assist in decreasing asthma attacks. The endive, also known as Belgian endive, Witlof as well as Witloof, has been around for thousands of years and also was grown by the Greeks, Romans as well as Egyptians. It is just a green veggie that appears very much like lettuce, aside from the fact that it really is wavy. .....

7. Endive along with celery as well as parsley juice do miracles for those who are anemic since this mixture behaves as a effective blood tonic. The endive, also known as Belgian endive, Witlof as well as Witloof, has been around for thousands of years and also was grown by the Greeks, Romans as well as Egyptians. It is just a green veggie that appears very much like lettuce, aside from the fact that it really is wavy. .....

Cancer prevention
8. Vitamin E is considered to assist avoids prostate cancer. Vitamin A might help avoid lung as well as oral cavity cancer. The wealth of fiber in endives is quite useful in keeping the colon neat and avoiding colon cancer. Calcium can also be believed to perform a crucial role in preventing breasts as well as ovarian cancers .....

9. The required nutrition as well as fiber within this green salad vegetable assists alleviate bowel problems. Combine along with other apple or even carrot juice. Some other types of endives consist of Bavarian endive, Batavian endive, grumolo, scarola, and scarole. .....

Treats eye complications
10. For coping with eye difficulties just like macular degeneration, cataracts as well as glaucoma, endive juice combined with carrots as well as parsley works well for offering reduction. You dont even need opting for costly eye surgery since frequent endive usage may help to reduce any kind of eye problems. .....

Liver and gall bladder
11. Combine endive along with all of your other favorite juices for the additional cleansing since it successfully helps encourage the secretion of bile. This onecaloriealeaf salad vegetable has high content of vitamin A that may help improve your eyesight. .....

Helps weight loss
12. The low calorie content of the endive veggie, allow it to be an important food for those who would like to lose a few pounds. Consuming it uncooked or even juicing it will help to handle bodyweight. It helps to increase and stimulate the appetite because of the bitter juices from the leaves that improve the secretion of bile. .....

13. Much like almost all veggies, endive consists of numerous vitamins and minerals that are required for optimum operating of the individuals body. It helps in improving defense function and therefore offers defense against high blood pressure, cancer of the colon, heart disease, diabetes and also depressive disorders. Instances of main vitamins contained in the endive veggie consist of B2, BI, K and C. .....

Appetite stimulant
14. consuming endive juice just before eating a meal helps you to promote urge for food. In addition, endives may also be thought to be a light healthy laxative. Herbal professionals generally suggest endives to individuals along with digestive as well as gastric issues. Endives can also be consumed in salads to supply the appetite revitalizing outcomes. .....

Alzheimers disease
15. Medical research indicates that normal consumption of vitamin E, as common in endives, might help avoid the start of Alzheimers disease. Endive or even Escarole is really a traditional, herbaceous leafy plant that is among the Asteraceae family of the genus: Cichorium and it has the medical title of Cichorium endive. Originating from the Mediterranean area, theyve been recognized for thousands of years through the Romans, Greeks as well as Egypti .....

Healthy bones and teeth
16. The high calcium content within endives is vital for constructing and looking after healthy and balanced teeth and bones and also maintaining osteoporosis away. Theres two wellknown types .....

Digestive health
17. Endives are abundant with fiber with only one of these simple veggies that contains a boastful 16 grams of fiber! This particular fiber encourages healthy digestion and may relieve bowel problems and also break down kidney stones. .....

Heart health
18. Endives are lower in cholesterol levels as well as saturated fat, which will make them a heartfriendly food items that may push away heart disease. The inulin built into endives might help manage LDL cholesterol levels. Potassium assists counter high blood pressure. .....

19. The foliate present in endives is important in assisting safeguard babies from being born along with birth imperfections. Endive is actually an environmentally friendly veggie which is much like the most popular lettuce. In olden days, endive was utilized through the Romans, Greeks and Egyptians. Theres two main types of endives, like the broad leaf and narrow leaf endive. .....

Jolie Endive
20. Traditional curled leaf Endive. Powerful tolerance to bolting, tip burn as well as necrosis. Energetic, wellfilled, high yielding variety. Natural blanch, simple to harvest. Great field standing capability. Ideal for fresh market and also processing. Perfect for spring as well as autumn harvests .....

Armantes Endive
21. Higher producing variety. Well suited for summer manufacturing because of bolting tolerance. Powerful against tip burn as well as necrosis. Great filling with higher quantity of short leaves. Well suited for both fresh market and also processing. .....

Brillantes Endive
22. Higher yielding variety. Great performance through the entire UK season. Large quantities of blanched leaves within the heart. Thoroughly clean base. Ideal for both fresh market as well as processing. It could also be used as a mild laxative because of its high content of dietary fiber. .....

Preparation and serving methods
23. Clean fresh endive in cool flowing water. Dispose of yellow or even any kind of stained leaves. Eliminate tough lower ends. Cut the leaves utilizing paring knife.Curly endive is usually obtainable in the shops as blanched pale .....

Selection of Belgian endive
24. Whenever selecting a Belgian endive head of lettuce ensure that the foliage is smooth. The bottom part of the endive needs to be white as well as the top needs to be possibly yellow or even reddish. Make certain that the lettuce head has got all green leaves and that none of the leaves are browning. .....

Storage Tips
25. It is advisable to keep Belgian endive within a cool dark place. If theyre subjected to an excessive amount of light then it will make it bitter. If you are planning to keep it within the fridge then place it inside a plastic material bag or even airtight pot. Include a dry paper towel to soak up any condensation. The lettuce is sensitive and can just last Three to five days within the fridge. .....

26. Usually do not drink or even smoke a minimum of 6 hours pre and post consuming endive juice, since the highcontent of vitamin A may fit negatively along with smoke as well as alcohol. The taste of this salad vegetable is a little bitter but it contains a particular compound that is tremendously helpful for our optic system. .....

Nutritional Benefits
27. Among all the green vegetables, endive is one of the richest source of vitamin A. It is also a good source of vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sulphur; and excellent provider of fiber and carotene.With each leave containing only one calorie, endive is a delight to weight watchers. .....

28. Regularly drinking endive juice with other juices helps to clean up skin problems like acne. Drink mixed juice containing endive, carrot and celery for best help in reducing asthma attacks. it is also essential vitamin for good eyesight. Consumption of natural vegetables/greens rich in vitamin A helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. .....

29. Its excellent source of vitamin A makes it a wonderful prevention of cancers of the rectum, melanoma and bladder. Endive with celery and parsley juice do wonders for people who are anemic as this combination acts as a powerful blood tonic. .....

Consumption Tips
30. Wash endive leaves thoroughly under running water to remove sand or dirt, especially if not organically grown. If necessary, soak in water with a small cap of cider vinegar and half a teaspoonful of salt to depesticide.Endive leaves when cut, turns brown and loses its nutrients quickly, so cut just before consumption to keep them looking and tasting good. .....

Endive Nutritional Information
31. Endive is a leafy vegetable with the scientific name Cichorium endivia. There are two types of endives: Curly and escarole. Curly endive has a narrow leaf and is sometimes called chicory. Escarole is a broadleafed endive that is less bitter than the curly type. No matter which type of endive you choose, eating this vegetable adds a big boost of vitamins, minerals and fiber to your diet. .....

32. The nutritional values in this article are based on a portion size of one half cup of chopped endive that weighs 25 grams. However, the best way to immediately illustrate the nutritional potential of endive is to first look at the values for a full head weighing 513 grams. A head of endive only has 87 calories but provides 64 grams of dietary fiber, 20 to 46 percent of the total recommended daily values (DV) of each of eight minerals and three vi .....

Basic Nutrition
33. A halfcup serving size of endive barely has measurable calories (only four) yet it provides three percent DV of fiber and one percent DV of protein. It has a small amount of carbohydrates (0.84 grams), sugars (0.06 grams), and total fat (0.05 grams). .....

34. A half cup of endive provides five percent of the daily value of manganese and two percent of potassium. Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, and copper are all available at a DV of one percent. The vitamin B complex content in endives such as folic acid, thiamin, niacin, and pantothenic acid encourages the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. .....

Essential Nutrients
35. Endive provides several other important nutrients. It contains omega3 and omega6 fatty acids. While theyre only available in trace amounts in a one half cup serving, the complete head of endive has 66.7 mg of omega3 and 385 mg of omega6. Choline is a nutrient thats important for nerve transmission, cell structure, and reducing levels of homocysteine. One half cup of endive provides 4.2 mg of choline. .....

Useful Parts of the Plant
36. The leafy green endive is a vegetable that belongs to the Daisy family. It is a narrow plant with outer leaves that are either curly or broad and pale depending on the type. The loose leaves of the Endive plant are eaten and form an important component of the Raw Diet. The leaves tend to be crunchy and bitter and provide dishes like salads and sandwiches with a delicious bite. .....

Nutritional Information and Properties of Endives
37. Irrespective of the type of endive, the leaves of the plant are an excellent source of minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, manganese, thiamin, and potassium. It is also rich in vitamins A and C that provide the antioxidants necessary to help the body fight against diseases such as heart problems and cancers. Endives are chock full of phytochemicals that make the plant an ideal addition to a lowcholesterol, detoxification diet. Endives are also .....

Therapeutic Uses of Endives
38. Research indicates that adding the leafy greens of endive to your daily diet can have the following positive effects. Lower glucose levels due to the plants high insulin content. Reduce bad or LDL cholesterol levels, as it is high in dietary fiber. Improves skin and keeps the mucus membranes healthy because of the antioxidant value of vitamin A and betacarotenes present in the plant. The vitamin A in endives also helps improve eyesight and protec .....

Other Uses
39. Besides consuming endive leaves for salads or in juices, the roots of the plant are often ground and baked and used as a coffee substitute (chicory) or as an additive. Endives are also cultivated as forage crops for livestock in Europe and North America. .....

green leafy vegetables
40. These green leafy vegetables are also a good source of minerals such as manganese, copper, potassium and iron. Manganese is used as a cofactor for the antioxidant superoxide dismutase whilst potassium helps counter the hypertension effect of sodium.Their bitterness is said to stimulate the appetite and acts as a diureticdepurative and light laxative. This makes them ideal for those who suffer from biliary insufficiency, anorexia, digestive and ga .....

The bitter taste of the Endive
41. The bitter taste of the Endive is due to it containing insulin which acts as a diuretic and helps stimulate the appetite. Currently, there is a debate that is underway on the nutritional and health values of insulin.It has been found that consuming endive, celery and carrot extracts help in lowering asthma attacks whilst a mixture of endive, celery and parsley juice is a good blood tonic especially for those with anaemia. .....

Cooking & Storage Tips
42. Use endives raw in salads or cook them just like spinach. Since endive is slightly bitter, it adds zest to a mixed salad.Crispiness, tenderness and freshness determine the quality of endive. This can be found by breaking or twisting a leaf.Do not drink plain endive juice, since it is in bitter taste. Mix it with other vegetable juices, to make it extra effective in nourishment of the optic nerves and muscular system.Wash endive leaves thoroughly .....

43. Endive is enriched with good amount Vitamin A and .....

44. Endive is widely consumed all over Europe and in some American states. Although this green leafy vegetable contains high concentrations of bitter glycosides and inulin, no known side effects so far has been noted, when eaten in moderation. .....

45. Endives are crisp and bitter when raw, making them a great addition to brighten up salads. When cooked, endives sharp flavor softens into a mellow sweetness .....

Endives plant
46. As a plant, the endive lettuce is closely related to the dandelion. It is of higher quality and there is a greater range of culinary possibilities than when considering the ordinary lettuce. Even within the endive family there are several species with slightly different nutritional and medicinal properties. The energetic value of endive is larger than that of lettuce .....

Endive juice
47. When it comes to the therapeutic properties of endive juice, this plant has nutritional elements that are capable of strengthening our sight. Here, endive works very well in conjunction with carrot, parsley and celery juice to improve the optic and muscular system. Two or three cups a day of this juice combination can help improve eye sight and alleviate various problems with the eyes. .....

Healthy ways to Prepare Belgian Endive
48. Belgian endivecan be served raw or cooked; certainlythe most nutrients will be taken in if eaten raw by adding it to salads. It has been used in stir fried meals as well as saut .....

Nutrients Found in Belgian Endive
49. Belgian endive is an excellent source forVitamin Awhich is an essential vitamin to help with good eye health and vision and may protect the eyes from getting cataracts. It is also a good source offolate, which is beneficial to pregnant women to help protect against birth defects. Belgian endive is also high inVitamin Cwhich is an important vitamin in boosting the immune system and help fight off infections. It is also a good source ofcalciumto he .....

Makes Skin Smooth and Moist
50. Being a good source of Vitamin E, endives can help you maintain the natural moisture of your skin. So, if your skin is dry, you must include it in your daily diet to hydrate your skin for a softer and younger looking skin. it is also essential vitamin for good eyesight. Consumption of natural vegetables/greens rich in vitamin A helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. .....

Treats Scleroderma Successfully
51. Scleroderma is a skin condition in which the tissues of different parts of the skin become hard. However, the Vitamin A present in the endives can treat the disorder and restore the natural texture of the skin. Endive is enriched with good amount Vitamin A and .....

Gives Strong and Thick Hair
52. The Vitamin A content of endives plays a key role in making the hair thick and strong. Being an antioxidant, it promotes the oil balance of the scalp and keeps it moisturized. As a result, the hair follicles do not get dried out and you get thick and strong hair strands. .....

Makes Hair Long and Shiny
53. This green leafy vegetable can also give you long tresses with a beautiful shine. The Vitamin E present in endives helps in hair growth by boosting blood circulation to the scalp to make it healthy. Current research studies suggest that high inulin and fiber content in escarole help reduce glucose and LDL cholesterol levels in diabetes and obese patients. .....

Maintains Digestive Healt
54. Endives are filled with dietary fibers, which make them an excellent laxative. It is a good choice for dealing with various gastric issues successfully. Munching on endives right before a meal can stimulate your appetite too. Endive is one of the very low calorie leafy vegetable. 100 g fresh leaves provide just 17 calories; however, it contributes about 8% of dailyrequired intake (DRI) of fiber. .....

Heals Anemic Conditions
55. If you are suffering from anemia, you should include endives in your daily diet. The disease is basically caused due to the deficiency of iron in our body. This green leafy vegetable is rich in mineral. Either drink it alone or prepare a juice by mixing parsley juice and celery juice with freshly prepared endive juice. It acts as a blood tonic that helps the blood creation process in our body and keeps us away from anemia. .....

Treats Acute Asthma
56. Antiinflammatory in nature, Endives can put a stop to all sorts of respiratory infections, protecting you from severe disorders like asthma. Make a mixed juice by blending fresh endive leaves, celery leaves and carrot pieces all together. Drinking this juice regularly can help you in preventing asthma attacks. .....

Keeps Heart Healthy
57. When it comes to uplifting your cardiac health, endives play a significant role. This veggie is low in saturated fat, which is good for the heart. It contains potassium, which helps in keeping blood pressure level under control. Furthermore, it holds natural polysaccharide insulin, which helps in lowering the low density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol in our body effectively. All these contribute to the well being of our heart. .....

Makes Teeth and Bones Stronger
58. Endives are also high in calcium, which is the most vital component of our teeth and bones. Inclusion of this vegetable in your diet can help you counterbalance the loss of calcium in your body. As a result, your bones and teeth get stronger and you can stay away from severe diseases like arthritis, osteoporosis, dental cavity, etc. .....

Takes Care of Liver and Gall Bladder
59. Fresh endive juice can work as an amazing detox for your body. It can stimulate the gall bladder to secret the right amount of bile, which eliminates the toxic materials from the liver. Consequently, the normal functionalities of the organ are promoted to maintain the overall health. .....

Ensures Good Health of Eyes
60. Nothing can be better than endives for keeping your eyes healthy and beautiful. Rich in all essential nutrients, this green vegetable wards off serious eye complications like cataracts, agerelated macular degeneration, glaucoma, and so on. There is no need to live on strong powerful medications or go through expensive surgeries. Just drink endive juice every day and it is all. .....

Helps Lose Extra Pounds
61. Considerably low in calories, endives are beneficial for people with excessive body weight. So, make sure that you include raw endives in your weight loss diet to make the most of your workout efforts. Drinking endive juice can also help you in your weight loss journey and take you there fast. .....

Fights Against Alzheimers Disease
62. Loaded with Vitamin E, endives, according to several medical studies, can combat the atypical degenerative neurological disorder called .....

Keeps Cancer at Bay
63. Vitamin E is one of the most effective remedies for prostate cancer. Apart from Vitamin E, endives are also enriched with Vitamin A, which can prevent oral cavity cancer and lung cancer. The calcium content of the veggie provides protection from ovary and breast cancer. The dietary fibers present in endives are also good for fighting against colon cancer. .....

Endive for stronger bones and teeth
64. Regular consumption of endive can strengthen your teeth and bones. This vegetable has high content of calcium, a mineral which is associated with the health of your teeth and bones. In addition to calcium, it also contains other bone building minerals like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and manganese. All these minerals make your bone strong and healthy, thereby protecting you from conditions like osteoporosis. .....

Endive helps you lose weight
65. Incorporating raw endive in your regular diet is a great way to ensure weight loss. Being very low in calories, this vegetable is extremely beneficial for people struggling with too much body weight. The high levels of fiber in endive gives you the feeling of fullness which stays with you for a longer period of time, thus preventing you from overeating or indulging in frequent snacks. Thus the regular consumption of endive or drinking fresh endiv .....

Endive makes your immune system strong
66. Endive can boost your immune system because of the presence of high levels of the antioxidant vitamin C. This vitamin strengthens your immunity and helps in warding off diseases causing germs and microbes. As a result you are protected from the frequent attacks of common cold and flu. .....

Endive helps in regulating blood sugar levels
67. Endive is a great food option for people suffering from diabetes because of its low calorie content and high amounts of dietary fiber. Since it is a low glycemic vegetable, it does not cause significant changes in the blood glucose levels. Endive helps in regulating blood sugar levels and hence can be safely included in the diet of a diabetic person. .....

Good source of minerals
68. Escarole is a good source of minerals like manganese, copper, iron, and potassium. Manganese is used as a cofactor for the antioxidant enzyme,superoxide dismutase.Potassium is an important intracellular electrolyte helps counter the hypertension effects of sodium. .....

Safety profile
69. Endive is widely consumed all over Europe and in some American states. Although this green leafy vegetable contains high concentrations of bitter glycosides and inulin, no known side effects so far notified when eaten in moderate.(Medical disclaimer). .....

Medicinal Uses of Endive
70. It is a fine cooling and cleansing plant. The decoction of the leaves, or the juice, abate inflammation of the liver, and the heat of the stomach; and it operates powerfully by urine. The seeds have the same property, or are rather more powerful, and are available for faintings and passions of the heart. Outwardly applied, they temper the sharp humours of fretting ulcers, hot tumours, swellings, and remove inflammations of the eyes, and dimness o .....

Edible parts of Endive
71. Leaves raw or cooked. Leaves of wild plants are very bitter but there are many named forms with only aslight bitterness. The leaves are quite large and often form arosette like cabbages. They are very easy to harvest. Endive makes avery acceptable addition, in moderate quantities, to the salad bowl, though the leaves are too bitter for most tastes to be used as the main salad leaf. The leaves are often blanched (by excluding light from the growi .....

Propagation of the herb
72. Seed sow in situ early to mid July for an autumn and winter crop and up to mid August for succession. Seedlings can be transplanted. Successional sowings can also be made from April onwards for asummer crop though these plants are liable to bolt in hot weather or if there is acold snap in late spring. .....

Plant used for Medicinal
73. The plant is used as aresolvent and cooling medicine, and in the treatment of bilious complaints. It has asimilar but milder effect to chicory (Cichorium intybus) and so is avery beneficial tonic to the liver and digestive system. The root is demulcent and tonic. It has been used in the treatment of dyspepsia and fevers. The fruit (this probably means the seed) has been used in the treatment of fevers, headaches, bilious complaints and jaundice. .....