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Digestive Tract Support

Benefits of Cabbage


Digestive Tract Support

Longestablished in health research is the role of cabbage juice in helping heal stomach ulcers (called peptic ulcers), but more recent studies on cabbage have looked at the overall health benefits of this food for the stomach and digestive tract as a whole. Presentday studies make it clear that cabbage contains a variety of nutrients of potential benefit to our stomach and intestinal linings. These nutrients include glucosinolates (and the antiinflammatory isothiocyanates or ITCs made from them), antioxidant polyphenols, and the amino acidlike substance called glutamine. In the case of ITCs, digestive tract benefits include proper regulation of bacterial populations of Helicobacter pylori inside the stomach. These bacteria are normal stomach inhabitants, but their populations can become too large and they can latch onto the stomach lining in an undesirable way. The ITCs made from cabbages glucosinolates can lower the risk of these unwanted stomach events.


Cardiovascular Support
It is a brain food
Botanical nameBrassica oleracea
Assists in weight loss
Consumption Tips
Detoxification by cabbage
Skin Care and Premature Aging
Bone Health
Nutritional Profile
Cabbage is great for your waistline
Individual Concerns
Nutritional Benefits
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