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Beets are high in many vitamins and minerals

Benefits of Beetroot


Beets are high in many vitamins and minerals

Potassium, magnesium, fiber, phosphorus, iron; vitamins A, B & C; beta carotene, beta cyanine; folic acid. These are but a few of the many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that can be found in beets and beet greens. Beets are particularly beneficial to women whom are pregnant, as the vitamin B and iron are very beneficial to new growth cells during pregnancy and replenishing iron in the womans body.


Cleanses toxins
Can reduce blood pressure level
A history of health
Tips for Preparing Beets
Prevents plaque formation and reduces
Glandular fever Epstein Barr virus
Beetroot juice is rich in iron and antioxidants
Beets are high in many vitamins and minerals
In Depth Nutritional Profile
Anti Inflammatory Benefits
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