tips to get ready for winter

Tips to get ready for Winter

Winter is the coldest season of the year in temperate climates, between autumn and spring.
1. Tune Up Your Heating System
For about $80 to $100, a technician will inspect your furnace or heat pump to be sure the system is clean and in good repair, and that it can achieve its manufacturer-rated efficiency. The inspection also measures carbon-monoxide leakage.If you act soon, you'll minimize the chance of being 200th in line for repairs on the coldest day of the year. Look for a heating and air-conditioning contractor that belongs to the Air Conditioning Contractors of America and employs technicians certified by the North American Technician Excellence program. The contractor should follow the protocol for ACCAs national standard for residential maintenance .
2. Reverse Your Ceiling Fans
If your ceiling fan has a reverse switch, use it to run the fans blades in a clockwise direction after you turn on your heat. Energy Star says the fan will produce an updraft and push down into the room heated air from the ceiling.
This is especially helpful in rooms with high ceilings and it might even allow you to turn down your thermostat by a degree or two for greater energy savings.
3. Prevent Ice Dams
If your home had lots of icicles last winter or worse, ice dams, which can cause meltwater to back up and flow into your house take steps to prevent potential damage this year.A home-energy auditor or weatherization contractor can identify and fix air leaks and inadequate insulation in your homes attic that can lead to ice dams. If you have the work done before December 31, you can claim the federal energy-efficiency tax credit for 10% of the cost, up to $500. Your state or utility may offer a rebate, too Orat least scan it closely with binoculars. Look for damaged, loose or missing shingles that may leak during winter
4. Hit the Roof
At least scan it closely with binoculars. Look for damaged, loose or missing shingles that may leak during winters storms or from melting snow.If need be, hire a handyman to repair a few shingles or a roofer for a larger section . Check and repair breaks in the flashing seals around vent stacks and chimneys, too.If your roof is flat and surfaced with asphalt and pebbles, as many are in the Southwest, rake or blow off fall leaves and pine needles, which hold moisture, says Bill Richardson.
5. Caulk Around Windows and Doors
Richardson says that if the gaps between siding and window or door frames are bigger than the width of a nickel, you need to reapply exterior caulk. Silicone caulk is best for exterior use because it wont shrink and its impervious to the elements.Try GEs Silicone II Window and Door product, which is rain ready in three Check window glazing putty, too . Add weatherstripping as needed around doors, making sure you cannot see any daylight from inside your home.
6. Clean the Gutters
If your gutters are full of detritus, water can back up against the house and damage roofing, siding and wood trim plus cause leaks and ice dams. You will typically pay $70 to $225 to clean gutters on a single-story house, depending on its size. Also look for missing or damaged gutters and fascia boards and repair them.
7. Divert Water
Add extensions to downspouts so that water runs at least 3 to 4 feet away from the foundation, says home-improvement expert David Lupberger.
8. Turn Off Exterior Faucets
Undrained water in pipes can freeze, which will cause pipes to burst as the ice expands. Start by disconnecting all garden hoses and draining the water that remains in faucets.If you dont have frost-proof faucets , turn off the shut-off valve inside your home.
9. Drain Your Lawn Irrigation System
But call in a professional to do the job. Your sprinkler service will charge $50 to $150, depending on the size of the system.Draining sprinkler-system pipes, as with spigots, will help avoid freezing and leaks.
10. Mulch Leaves When You Mow
Mow your leaves instead of raking them, say studies at the University of Michigan and Purdue. The trick is to cut the leaves, while dry, into dime-sized pieces that will fall among the grass blades, where they will decompose and nourish your lawn over the winter.