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Mughal Empire

Shah Jahan


Mughal Empire

Evidence from the reign of Shah Jahan in the year 1648, states that the army consisted of 911,400 infantry, musketeers, and artillery men, and 185,000 Sowars commanded by princes and nobles and were maintained out of the revenues of the Mughal Empire which amounted to 120,071,876,840 dams.During his reign the Marwari horse was introduced becoming Shah Jahans favorite and various Mughal Cannons were mass produced in the Jaigarh Fort. Under his rule, the empire became a huge military machine and the nobles and their contingents multiplied almost fourfold, as did the demands for more revenue from the peasantry. But due to his measures in the financial and commercial fields, it was a period of general stabilitythe administration was centralized and court affairs systematized.

The Mughal Empire continued to expand moderately during his reign as his sons commanded large armies on different fronts. Above all it is obligatory to mention here that India became the richest center of the arts, crafts and architecture and some of the best of the architects, artisans, craftsmen, painters and writers of the world resided in his empire, it is believed that the Mughal Empire had the highest gross domestic produce in the world.


Rebel prince
Death of a Great Emperor
Patronage of the arts
Contributions to architecture
Relations with the Safavid dynasty
Maritime trade
Administration of the Mughal Empire
Relations with the Ottoman Empire
Mughal Empire
Columbia Encyclopedia
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